Corpse flower blooms attracting visitors to its odious odor

When we think of flowers our thoughts bloom into fragrant fantasies of roses or lilacs that fill a room with pleasant aromas.
Not all flowers fill that fantasy, such as geraniums or marigolds that look good but don’t smell so sweet.
But the champion of stinky flora is the corpse flower, Amorphophallus titanium, treasured by the Huntington Library in Southern California, where it’s coveted for the putrid stench it emits that reeks of rotting flesh, hence its name.
Unlike other not-so-sweet smelling flowers there’s no secret about its stench. You don’t have to get nose to bud with it; it reeks from a distance.
"And boy, is it making a stink! The infamous odor of rotting flesh, designed to attract insect pollinators, began to waft from the bloom as soon as it started to unfurl," the library said on its website Friday when it began to bloom.
Because of the rarity of the corpse flower, visitors look forward to its blooming which is as unpredictable as the flower is rare.
Some flowers are famous with good-looking and sells sweet.But corpse flower is different,it's fame is due to decay.It is rarely seen.
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