Home | Commentary | 5 reasons Mubarak can’t silence Egyptian democracy demonstrations

5 reasons Mubarak can’t silence Egyptian democracy demonstrations

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image Protesters gather in Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 25, 2011. Photo: A lJazeera

Egyptians want an end to poverty, high unemployment, soaring food prices and government corruption.

1. An army captain joins the protesters in Cairo on Saturday, Jan. 29:

Robert Fisk: Egypt: Death throes of a dictatorship

2. YouTube: 

“We will not be silenced. Whether you’re a Christian, whether you’re a Muslim, whether you’re an atheist, you’ll demand your goddam rights, and we will have our rights, one way or the other! We will not be silenced!” – Protester on YouTube video


3. Twitter - @moftasa Mostafa Hussein

"when the internet is back in egypt, youtube will collapse from the number of videos people will upload."


4. Facebook

Women of Egypt


5. Political cartoons:

@moftasa "It’s become like a Gaddafi sandwich."



Do Americans have any say in the matter? Should they take sides in Egypt's revolution?

Yes. The U.S. government has been an ally and financial supporter of Egypt since 1948. In fiscal year 2009, the U.S. sent $1.5 billion in aid to Egypt -- most of it to the military.


President Obama welcoming Egyptian President Mubarak in Washington D.C. on August 18, 2009

The next hours are crucial:

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Michael Collins on 01/31/2011 02:04:06
Excellent list! This can't be put back together again. It can't be silenced either. When will out White House occupants learn that you cannot support tyrants and get a free ride forever. This is payback time. Things must be ready to fall if Obama is even being equivocal. This certainly isn't Honduras where nice words are followed by the same old tricks. Egypt is a nation of 80 million people with a five thousand year history. The police and military are supposed to try to "restore order" today thinking that they can. I wish the people well and I'm sure that their strength and their very just cause will win out.
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Kat on 01/31/2011 07:58:12
The solidarity within Egypt is amazing. I want the Obama administration to end its wishy-washy messages about freedom and democracy.
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hawa on 02/13/2011 16:14:56
thank you for that informative post I'll recommend it to my friends thanks again
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