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Farewell, Mikael the Mime

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image Mikael Rudolph

Mikael Rudolph, a mime, actor, dancer, teacher and political activist, passed away Fri., Feb. 26, at his home in Minneapolis. He was 51.

I first met Mikael several years ago through his social activism (he co-founded Impeach for Peace) and only later did I come to know him for his creative talents. He won his first battle with cancer and made it the subject of his soulful, funny one-man play, "Cancer My Ass!" which debuted -- or “de-butted” as Mikael called it -- in Minneapolis one year ago.

Related: Mime uses humor to put cancer in its place

For Mikael, “All the world’s a stage” was more than a line from Shakespeare. It was his approach to life. “That’s who I am,”
he told me last year, then looking as fit as a fiddle. “I always process my own issues and problems through friends. I don’t isolate.”

The second time cancer reared its ugly head six months ago, this time in the form of therapy-related acute myelogenous leukemia, he fought it with the support of loving friends and both traditional and alternative healers. When I visited him in the hospital I sensed him searching our faces as if looking in a mirror to see how he was doing. Mikael lived not to simply act, but to interact.

His friend Angela, who lived Mikael’s ups and downs these past months, said he was not afraid to die and “knew it was his time...He wanted to go and we all know when Mikael decides, that's what is going to happen.”

Thank you, Mikael, for your unwavering compassion for the people of Iraq and those in need in this country and everywhere. http://www.mikaelthemime.com/

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Cynthia Papermaster on 03/09/2010 00:57:29
I had the pleasure of working with Mikael in the impeachment movement, when impeachforpeace joined the National Impeachment Network. I was singularly impressed with his humanity, wisdom, energy and intelligence in every contact with him. I wish I could have met Mikael-- there was a chance when some of us gathered in DC to lobby Congress for impeachment-- but he couldn't come. He will be sorely missed.
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iedge on 03/18/2010 03:43:44
Mikael Rudolph from Minneapolis, MN performed at the library on Monday, July 6th for a crowd of over 110 people. Our Menasha kids enjoyed the expressive humor and engaging soundless jokes of this fantastic performer. Check out the smiles on the kids' faces!
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Teri on 06/03/2010 19:14:45
We hired 'Mikael the Mime' to performed for my son's High School Graduation Party 2 yrs. ago. He was so kind, funny, witty, clean(family-friendly). And yet he never spoke a word!!! All 200 guests, said it was by far, the 'very best' High School Grad Party they had ever attended, even to this day. Today, 2 yrs later, if anyone even mentions the party, an instant sound of laugher echo's, as we all recall the day 'Mikael the Mime' graced our lawn. Thanks to Mikael's great talent, the memories of him on that day, will indeed live on in the minds of every person who had the privilege of being present that day. The word spread of his death, throughout the guests of 2 yrs. ago, and sentiment was unanimous, the world has lost a very special human being.
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John on 06/19/2010 18:55:40
Such sad news. We saw Mikael at Scarborough Faire in Texas and he was everyone's favorite performer. He made us forget just how hot it was that day.
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logo design on 06/30/2010 05:07:11
Mikael Rudolph from Minneapolis, MN occurred in the library Monday, July 6 and a series of over 110 people. Menasha our children will enjoy the humor and expressive silent jokes, engage in this fantastic artist. Visit the faces of smiling children!
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