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Gum chewing leads to teens’ higher math scores?

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image Chewing gum. Your prescription for better grades. morguefile photo by Alvimann

If your child has trouble with math, give her some gum and send her to school. Researchers at a Texas medical institution say gum-chewing improves math scores.

Researchers at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, recruited more than 100 eighth grade charter school students (all 14 years old) to participate in a clinical trial of how gum chewing impacts student math scores. The students were divided into two groups: gum chewing (52) and non-gum chewing (54) and were nearly equally represented between boys and girls.  

The researchers found that students who chewed gum in math class and while doing homework for 14 weeks showed a 3 percent increase in standardized math test scores compared to those who didn't chew gum.

The students who chewed gum also had “significantly better” final math grades than those who didn't chew gum, according to a press statement released by the Chicago office of public relations giant Edelman.

The study was sponsored by (drum roll, please) Wrigley Science Institute.     

And what kind of gum did the students chew? Wrigley sugar-free.

“Today’s competitive testing environment has parents and students looking for approaches to improve academic performance, particularly as standardized test scores have become a mandatory requirement for assessing academic achievement,” said Wrigley’s/Edelman.

The study’s sponsors suggest that gum-chewing helps “reduce stress, improve alertness and relieve anxiety.”

The study, led by Craig Johnston, PhD., of Baylor’s Children's Nutrition Research Center, was presented as a "late breaking" poster today at the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) annual meeting taking place in New Orleans, La.


Johnston C A, Tyler C, Stansberry SA, Palcic JL, Foreyt JP: Gum chewing affects academic performance in adolescents. ASN Scientific Sessions and Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology 2009, "Late breaking abstract" New Orleans, LA, April 2009.

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valentines day gift ideas on 12/12/2009 00:02:56
Not surprised. When I taught elementary school, I let my students chew gum while taking those dreadfully long standardized tests. It kept their mouths busy, and I like to think that maybe a little burst of flavor helped them think more clearly!
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university essay experts on 03/15/2010 11:11:49
From now on, I let my kids chewing gum every single day.

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anthony morrison on 05/31/2010 03:26:56
This good for those children who weak in math subject. I think by chewing a gum you will have to give more concentrate on your study means you are giving totally attention on your study.
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logo design on 06/29/2010 05:27:12
Agree, It's good for children who are weak in math subject. I think chewing gum you will need to give more focus on your study means that you give full attention to your studies.
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argos codes on 07/06/2010 07:17:01
Really its a knowledgeable post and students are surprised for learn with fun.. I got the news some days ago some children's are try this method and increase the 5 percent..
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life skills coaching on 08/23/2010 03:49:38
Interesting. In 30 years I was in training, chewing gum has always been a banned substance because it was never sold in a dustbin. So now we must consider chewing gum as a tool for learning? I do not think ...
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danny on 10/18/2010 01:32:53
thank you for the post!
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