Home | Health | Sloppy body part shipping became a headache for Medtronic

Sloppy body part shipping became a headache for Medtronic

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Mislabeled cartons containing 44 full or partial human heads were detained at the Pulaski County, Ark., morgue earlier this month after a Southwest Airlines employee peeked inside the containers.

The cargo wasn't labeled properly and the packaging didn't follow shipping guidelines, according to Ashley Rogers, a Southwest spokeswoman. The airline called the police.

JLS Consulting LLC of Conway, Ark., a cadaver management company, had shipped the heads to Medtronic Powered Surgical Solutions in Fort Worth, Texas, for use in research at the medical technology facility which also offers workshops on "advanced dissection skills using advanced instrumentation," according to the company's website.  

Garland Camper, Pulaski County coroner, said officials had to obtain proof  that the heads weren't being sold as part of an underground body parts market.

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holidays to greece on 06/29/2010 03:59:05
I was wondering this stuff only.I realize Medtronic wouldn't be making as much money but it sure would help my budget!
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