Home | Commentary | Winnie the Spoof: Presidental Executive Order Renames Black Friday

Winnie the Spoof: Presidental Executive Order Renames Black Friday

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In the interest of holiday shoppers....

In a stunning announcement from the White House, President Barack Obama issued an executive order banning all future references to the day after Thanksgiving as Black Friday.

From now on it will be known as Red Friday.

In explaining the drastic change, the president said, "In the past, Black Fridays might have put merchants in the "black" and boosted a year's lag in profits, but the pre-season shopping extraviganza puts far more American consumers in the red, therefore we deemed it proper to give the day a more appropriate name that conveys its true meaning."

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Michael Collins on 12/28/2010 11:24:20
Red Friday, indeed! If they really wanted to be accurate, they'd call it 'Debt Slavery Day' or 'Retail Sharecropper Day.' Something to capture the 'Dawn of the Dead' behavior of automatic shopping for what? Thank you Winnie for this courageous leak.
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