Home | Government | Less than 3 years after airport scanner buying spree, TSA removes them

Less than 3 years after airport scanner buying spree, TSA removes them

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image "What do we do to protect ourselves?" Former DHS cheif Michael Chertoff hit the circuit selling the public on the need for his client's Rapisan scanners . The TSA is now removing the scanners from US airports.

It seems like only yesterday that the U.S. government rushed headlong into an airport scanner spending spree. It was 2010. Airport scammers or scanners?  

Now we learn that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is removing all Rapisan scanners and is seeking to off-load hundreds of Rapiscan scanners on other government agencies that don't have the same need for privacy as airports. (I wonder who they might be.)

To whom do we owe this major spending gaffe? That would be presidents Bush and Obama and Congress who blindly followed the fear-mongering warnings of then U.S. Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff. At the time, Chertoff was also a consultant and board member for several security firms, including Rapiscan. It wasn't a secret. Anyone with an Internet connection and curiosity were aware of the connection but corporate media didn't think it was relevant then and doesn't think it's relevant now. No mention of the man and his profitting from scanner sales in today's major media stories. 

Conflict-of-interest and government waste -- such quaint, antiquated notions.

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