Home | Health | Chimney of 1920s landmark building in Los Angeles is for the birds

Chimney of 1920s landmark building in Los Angeles is for the birds

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image Vaux's swifts travel in massive flocks and often choose chimneys as a migratory layover. Photo of swifts in Portland, OR by Kakapo31

Naturalists, ornithologists and just plain ol’ bird watchers said the abandoned brick chimney of an iconic vintage building in downtown Los Angeles is a somewhat unusual place for Vaux’s swifts to hunker down for the night after a day of air-borne foraging for insects while migrating north.

About two dozen naturalists stood enthralled last night while watching thousands of small birds dive-bomb into the 12-story chimney of Los Angeles's 84-year-old Chester Building. The building is believed to be one of the most populous roosting places in North America for migrating Vaux's swifts.

“That chimney is a good place for them to sleep,” Kimball Garrett, ornithology collections manager of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, told the Los Angeles Times. "They spend all day feeding on nice hatches of insects blown skyward by updrafts along the Los Angeles River and Elysian Park area. At nightfall, they all come together to roost in the same safe resting area.”

Vaux’s swifts -- 4-1/2-inch long brown birds with white underbellies and long, crescent-shaped wings -- are believed to be at the peak of their northward migration from wintering grounds in Mexico, Garrett said. At winter’s end they head for breeding grounds as far north as Alaska, while others summer in Washington, Oregon and southeastern British Columbia.

If they had their ‘druthers, swifts would opt for resting in hollowed out old trees. It’s a mystery as to why they’ve chosen to move to various chimneys over the past 20 years.

The choice of chimneys may be due to loss of natural habitats along with old dead trees.

But soon there may be a shortage of chimneys as well, as many are being torn down, because they don’t meet new earthquake codes.

New industrial and office building chimneys must be made from steel or other metal, and the swifts can’t gain a claw-hold, therefore opting for the old concrete and brick structures, Audubon Society members said.

The only down side to nature’s spectacle that began around 7:30 p.m., was swifts being snatched out of the air by hungry ravens that were flying-in-wait for a chance at grabbing an in-flight dinner with their beaks. Perhaps it was nature’s way of balancing things as both species feast on the fly.

That aspect of the migration event made some viewers unhappy, but others maintain that ravens have the right to eat, too.

Chapman Elementary School in Portland, Oregon, claims to be the largest known swift roost in the world, with more than 30,000 Vaux's swifts descending on the school (see YouTube video) every September.


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Nicole Possert on 04/25/2010 11:18:06
The first video to document Vaux’s swifts preparing to roost in urban Los Angeles. Enjoy!

Thanks Audubon Center at Debs Park – the best nature in the heart of the City

PS. Best viewing is by maximizing the size of the video screen and not on a mobile.
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nintendo r4 on 04/25/2010 21:57:00
Thanks for sharing this great information here. I must say all these birds come to this place on 5th Street and these are quite the spectacle. I know that because I live nearby at 5th and Main and marvel every year at the large numbers of birds which fill the sky during this migration.
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mesa dentist on 05/03/2010 00:11:22
Well..it is all about developing. Chicago iron six floors and the northwest Logan Square Loop, and has been open for more almost 20 years, and currently lives downstairs Payless shoe store.
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nintendo ds r4 on 05/03/2010 06:58:37
This the reactions of high flooring building and cutting of trees. There for birds are finding some other space for living. Which is not good. This article will help to save birds and trees.
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used car on 05/05/2010 00:06:36
I bet the Audubon and other naturalists appreciated the birds making the city a resting stop. Apart from that I wanted to say I love your steady stream of updates from the LA region!
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hepa air purifiers on 05/13/2010 03:20:15
That's good if the birds are making nest and living there.That chemical mill is too old and nobody going to start this one again. so it is really nice if it is become a nice house of birds. I am animal lover so my point of view is different than many.
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anthony morrison on 05/18/2010 00:22:21
Well.. air purifiers.I am not agree with your comment..One thing you should realize is there are too many parks and zoos in Los angles. it is better to move birds there,It more beneficial if government remove that building and build a new mall and shopping center there.
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screenwriting on 06/01/2010 22:33:27
The industrial complex was composed of around four buildings. The heads of state and former heads of state who pool their different experiences from a wide range of backgrounds to come to a deeper understanding of the world made the necessary needs and amendments and that will be followed.
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dresses on 06/14/2010 20:26:15
The industrial complex was composed of around four buildings. The heads of state and former heads of state who pool their different experiences from a wide range of backgrounds to come to a deeper understanding of the world made the necessary needs and amendments and that will be followed.
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mbt footwear on 06/28/2010 05:12:26
Your post is good. I think it is good for birds that they can live in their nests over there... Because of cutting trees birds can not have space to make their nests....
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Trade Show Displays on 07/07/2010 11:05:44
Wow, that's so bizarre. I can't believe that many birds would fit into an old chimney.
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