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Physician: Heal thyself?

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Andy Harris, an incoming GOP freshman who ran an anti—health care reform campaign, is angry at having to wait 30 days for government-subsidized health care.

Newly elected Andy Harris (R), a Maryland anesthesiologist who pledged to repeal health care reform and opposed the so-called “public option” as a steppingstone to  socialism, was incredulous  when told at an orientation for new legislators that he’d have to wait a month before his government-subsidized health policy took effect.

A month is the standard wait time for new federal employees as well as those working for most private and non-profit employers.

While Harris can continue health coverage under COBRA through his present employer, Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, one wonders why the freshman legislator doesn’t support the many free market insurance options available to all 50 million currently uninsured Americans. 

As a candidate, Harris said he supported competitive “market based solutions” and expanded medical savings accounts over expansion of “government-run or government-mandated insurance.” 

Welcome to the real world, Representative-Elect Harris!

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Sandy Sand on 11/16/2010 10:35:03
Just another example of a hypocritical politician. Now, maybe he'll think twice before telling others they can't have insurance now that he knows what's it's like to be without it for one short month. Retribution would be if during that short, short uninsured period he were to break a leg [and not in an auto accident where there's medical coverage] and have to foot the $10,000 worth of bills for himself.

There's nothing like being on the short end of the stick to open one's eyes to life in the real world!
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