H1N1 (swine flu): 'Menace or media hype?'

Now that the country has mostly moved beyond H1N1 stage 4 or 5 alerts from the WHO, nonstop breaking news flashes, knee jerk outbursts from politicians (er, scratch that one), and local officials are no longer closing schools and the more timid are no longer flooding hospital emergency rooms, people are asking what role the media played in creating the panic.
I remember stepping out of my hotel room in Seattle during the height of the scare and being greeted by a 2 inch headline in the sole surviving local paper: "SWINE FLU FOUND HERE." That's enough to cause anyone to gasp.
But we're all to blame for letting our attention be hijacked by the news du jour. Technorati member bloggers tagged more than 12,000 posts with "swine flu."
Marian Kamensky is a professional cartoonist and rascal in Slovakia.
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