Home | Health | Americans sleeping a little more, working a little less

Americans sleeping a little more, working a little less

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Government survey shows the average American is sleeping longer since the start of the recession.

Americans are working 17 fewer minutes a day than they were in 2007, and sleeping 6 minutes longer, according to the Labor Department’s 2009 American Time Use Survey. Americans ages 15 and older slept an average of 8 hours and 39 minutes on weekdays.

Women are getting the most rest, according to the survey results. On average, women slept 8 hours and 43 minutes in 2009 while men slept an average of 8 hours and 37 minutes. Everyone is sleeping longer on weekends, about 9 hours and 20 minutes on Saturdays and Sundays.

Contrary to popular belief, the average American appears to be getting more than enough sleep. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine  advises adults to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.

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jimmychooshoes on 07/05/2010 01:56:27
Too much sleep is a waste of life, as long as 7-8 hours of sleep a day is enough.
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Xbox Live Membership on 07/05/2010 23:33:45
After the survey it seems like recession has made everyone very lazy when it comes to work and very less bothered about work when it comes to handle all such types of responsibilities.
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asos voucher code on 07/07/2010 07:23:21
Don't forget that too much sleep appears to be even more dangerous for us, more than doubling the likelihood of dying from other causes.
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stansted surrey on 07/29/2010 05:47:57
It's good to hear that even someone is getting time to take proper sleep. Hope some days come when I am able to sleep for 8 hours.
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Post Nasal Drip on 08/17/2010 07:45:32
In this competitive era if one is getting this much time to sleep sounds a good thing and the best thing is that still the Americans are leading in many field.
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