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Public pressure halts Gardasil vaccine trial in India

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image Photo::Jan Christian @ www.ambrotosphotography.com

V.M. Katoch, director general of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), asked India’s health ministry to immediately suspend its cervical cancer vaccination pilot project after reports of mismanagement of the trial and deaths and complications in girls receiving Merck's Gardasil vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) came into public view.

The suspension was brought about after Katoch learned of the deaths of four girls, ages 10-14, and adverse effects in 120 others following their Gardasil vaccinations, according to an April 7 story in the The Hindu. 

But in a story in the Times of India published two days later, Katoch denied the suspension was related to safety issues with the vaccine.

"I decided to suspend the trials because I wanted to first prove to the public that the allegations [that the girls died from complications relating to the vaccine] are false. I also want the general public to know that all ethical guidelines would be followed in this trial," Katoch told the Times.

Gardasil is marketed in India by MSD Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd. The two-year project, designed to demonstrate Gardasil’s effectiveness in preventing HPV in 32,000 Indian girls, got underway late last year.

The Sama Resource Group for Women and Health is among several advocacy groups in India that are questioning the safety of the vaccine and suggesting the potential exploitation of participants in the trial.

The study was being conducted by Merck, PATH (a Seattle-based non-governmental organization), the Indian Council of Medical Research and two state governments in India.

Katoch said allegations about the vaccine’s safety as well as ethical issues that have been raised about the way the trial is being conducted will be investigated.

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Sandy Sand on 04/14/2010 09:29:47
Dangerous vaccines. Dangerous drugs. Seems to be a recurring theme when it comes to big pharma looking only to make a fast buck.
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Rosemary Mathis on 04/14/2010 16:44:53
With 67 deaths reported in VAERS for Gardasil, it looks like the FDA and the US Government would pull this poison off the market. Many girls have been injured or killed. Go to WWW.TRUTHABOUTGARDASIL.ORG and see for yourself. It is pretty bad when mothers of injured children have to put up websites to warn others regarding a vaccine such as Gardasil.
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Veronica on 04/14/2010 17:45:42
I can’t sit here and keep my mouth shut. I encourage all parents or ladies who are thinking about getting this shot to please do your homework. My beautiful daughter is now 18 years of age, she has never been sexually active. She is very intelligent, very goal oriented with her future. She can read 6 to 8 books in a weekend. A 4.0 student, was on her way to a full ride scholarship performing Color Guard in a college of her choice. All of things were going to happen for my daughter before she got this DEVILISH vaccine. I was like any other parent that I have chatted with I thought I did my homework, I trusted my daughter’s doctor, I thought I was protecting my child from a life of cancer that has stolen so many of my family members. Do I REGRET this decision…..you bet your bottom dollar I do….EVERYDAY!!!!
My daughter now has to be homeschooled around massive migraines that are crippling to her. I can home teach right now only for about 2 hours a day if I am lucky. She went from doing Color Guard to sleeping 15-16 hours a day and still feeling tired. Her GPA now is a 1.2…she can’t read longer than 2 hours without being in pain. Her scholarship is gone, she has very limited muscle strength in her ankles and knees. Doctor’s can’t tell us anything or how to change it in my daughter. So I want to know how does anyone in their right mind think a parent would want this? I want to have grandchildren, but right now in my daughter’s life I have to worry about whether or not my grandchildren will have some of her issues.
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karen Haack on 04/14/2010 18:04:18
My daughter has suffered since she was poisoned by this vaccine. She also went from 3.86 GPA to a 1.2 she had to be homeschooled also. She has migraines 3-4 x a week and use to sleep all the time also. She has not had a period in over 2 years. She had fainting issues with temporary paralysis. She has peripheral neuropathy in both feet. She lost the peripheral vision in her left eye. All of this because we trusted our doctors. The doctors that still refuse to admit they almost killed our kids.
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Malinda on 04/14/2010 20:05:47
Thank you for the story - yes, please educate yourself before you vaccinate for HPV. Literally thousands of girls are suffering adverse effects. Visit www.truthaboutgardasil.org to see the devastation for yourself. My daughter is 3 years out and her body is still not straighened out. Her father beleives that she will deal with some issue of this vaccination's adverse effects for the rest of her life. I agree with Veronica in that her future of bearing children is questionable in my eyes.
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norma g on 04/15/2010 01:17:11
My 17 year old daughter was also injured by the poison called Gardasil. She suffers from: Nausea, Dizziness, Stomach Pain, Severe Fatigue,Tremors, Muscle Weakness, Hair Loss, Auto Immune Disorders, Has had Hylori 2 times in 7 months, Depression, Poor Concentration. She is also struggling in school because some days she is just to tired or sick to get out of bed.She was perfectly healthy until she received the shot. I did not make the connection to Gardasil until after she received her last dose. Please read about all the side effects they are calling them not severe but when you experience 4,5,6 symptoms daily it is very severe. Protect you daughers, research before saying yes to Gardasil.
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R. Boyce on 04/15/2010 06:35:14
My daughter was harmed by Gardasil over two years ago. So far in the USA there have been over 60 deaths and over 100 miscarriages. There is NO PROOF that this vaccine will eliminate these cancers. Most girls experience changes or cessation of menses after this vaccine - what I know is that one of the ingreds, polysorbate, causes sterility in mice. What EXACTLY is this vaccine meant to do?! And now Merck is developing a fertility drug? Is this really coincidence? I think not! STOP THIS VACCINE ... it is NOT SAFE!
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A Fritz on 04/15/2010 12:43:31
My 11 year old daughter was a completely healthy little girl. Then we were coerced into getting the Gardasisl shot as I was told it was "mandatory". Her life has not been the same since. She has had muscle pains, migraines, stomach aches, back aches, her legs move on their own without her meaning to, her vision has been worsened, to name a few. This stuff is shear poison!!! Please don't subject your girls to this, you will regret it!
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Gardasil as I have heard only helps in the prevention of the HPV diseases but on the contrary it doesn't cure a person if affected with it. Now, it appears that the side effects of the usage of this drug is higher than its use so, many people have thought about discontinuing the use of this drug and in such circumstances I don't think that any country should support the selling and the use of this drug until proper tests have been made and is given a clean chit for use.
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SmartLIpo on 04/15/2010 23:39:07
Please read about all the side effects they are calling them not severe but when you experience 4,5,6 symptoms daily it is very severe. Protect you daughers, research before saying yes to Gardasil.
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seo firm on 04/19/2010 03:25:05
This is about a public health disaster of gigantic proportions that will affect this generation and generations to come, and those responsible must be brought to account.I think this come from the hi aridity.
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iedge on 04/19/2010 05:48:40
That will be really helpful.Gardasil is a vaccine that helps protect against the following diseases caused by Human
-Cervical cancer (cancer of the lower end of the uterus or womb)
-Abnormal and precancerous cervical lesions
-Abnormal and precancerous vaginal lesions
-Abnormal and precancerous vulvar lesions
-Genital warts
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drug rehab on 06/09/2010 06:10:58
I think if vaccination is recommended for the public health measure for everyone else to protect against the common enemy of infectious disease, you should accept that it is recommended for you as well.
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