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Jesse Springer returns as Science Idol

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image Jesse Springer cartoon courtesy of Union of Concerned Scientists

Jesse Springer, graphic designer and part-time editorial cartoonist in Eugene, OR, took the honors in this year's Science Idol contest. Springer won with his cartoon about the Endangered Species Act.

The Union of Concerned Scientists sponsors the cartoon contest each year to draw attention to an issue of concern: political interference in science.

“This is a really tricky time for those who hoped that Obama’s election was going to be a start of something new,” said Springer, who also won the contest in 2007. “We need to point out the commitments that they made and hold the administration accountable to them.

“The Endangered Species Act is something that hits close to home in Oregon,” he told UCS. “Salmon preservation, for example, is related to many issues—water use, energy, economic stability, and so much more. It’s important for the conservation planning to be science-based, and for all stakeholders to have a voice.”

UCS asked 12 professional artists to submit cartoons that address issues that the Obama administration and Congress need to address.

More than 10,000 people cast votes. Springer's cartoon will grace the cover of UCS's 2010 Scientific Integrity Calendar.

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xmas presents on 12/07/2009 02:00:59
Many great cartoons made the finals – the one that won was decidedly one of my favorites. Congratulations Jesse! Keep up the great work!
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16gb m2 card on 02/22/2010 21:59:49
the one that won was decidedly one of my favorites. Congratulations Jesse!!!
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Rhinoplasty on 05/18/2010 05:17:26
Awesome Jesse! He won the Grand Prize in the 2007 Science Idol cartoon contest.I admire him...
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self adhesive labeling machine on 07/01/2010 23:01:17
The article you have created here is really nice and interesting, and I also enjoyed reading through it.
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